I’m careful with money – I didn't always manage it well, but I was careful. I've been that way ever since I can remember. Most people aren't though. I learned this the hard way. I've found the problem isn't always that people don’t value money; it’s just that they don’t watch what, goes where. They were never taught to budget. And let’s be honest, budgeting sucks! But this is a necessary life skill. Although I would hesitate to call this simple system budgeting, the model can be used to create one. So to be clear, this system is not budgeting, this is just simple money management and it’s EASY! Seriously, I've taught this to 14 and 15 year old's. All you need is some paper and a calculator – let’s go! Now imagine that you have two good old fashioned glass jars in front of you. One jar is labeled “EXPENSES” and the other jar is labeled “RESOURCES”. What we’re going to do is put money into these “glass jars”. Not in real life, just on paper. Once you set this system up – you won’t have to do it again. You will be able to add or subtract as your life situation changes. Also, you don’t need to calculate everything down to the penny (unless you absolutely want to. I don’t). We will be dealing in general ballpark figures. Again, just enough attention to detail so you know where your money is currently going, where it needs to go or where it's about to go. Be careful not to make this very simple system, over complicated. Yes you can get very detailed, but if you don’t have to, then I suggest you don’t. Now, here’s how this works: (1) Look at all your monthly expenses and write them down. This includes everything that you pay monthly. Below is just a general list to get your mind working. Take what you need – feel free to add and subtract from it. Again – try not to over complicate this. It will drive you nuts! Write down each category separately. *NOTE* To get an idea of what you spend per month, look at your last 3 bills and take the average (add the total of all 3 bills and then divide by 3). If you don’t know how much you spend per month on something, you must make an effort to carefully track it for one full month. Once you do this, you can set it and forget it. Again we just need ball park figures. Write down each category separately:
(2) Multiply each category by 12 for the 12 months in a year. This will give you an idea of how much you spend on each category per YEAR. Write these numbers down on a separate sheet of paper. (3) Add up ALL your 12 month (YEARLY) totals from step 2 – This total will be called “Expenses”. (4) Now you need to get a fairly accurate assessment of how much you bring in per YEAR in income. Do NOT count tax return money! When you have your total, write this down. This total will be called “Income”. (5) Take your “Income” from step 4 and subtract the yearly “Expenses” from step 3. Write this number down, circle it and put “RESOURCES” next to it. All this math is to give you a yearly overview of where your money is going. Sounds like a lot of work, doesn't it? Trust me, that was the hard part. The rest is easy. Since you know how much money you must spend per month to take care of all your bills (the totals from step 1) – any extra money for that MONTH, goes into the “RESOURCES Glass Jar”. 1 jar for “EXPENSES” and 1 jar for “RESOURCES”, remember? We’re keeping watch of our finances per MONTH (if weekly works better for you, then do it!). Now let’s focus on your “RESOURCES glass jar” (money that you have left over per month). Now, imaging we’re going to put 3 envelopes in this jar, each one with a different label.
(1) Savings. (2) Fun – This includes entertainment, vacations, luxury items (jewelry, televisions, new mobile devices, etc.), etc. (3) Emergencies. I personally put around 50% into “Savings” then 25% into “Fun” and 25% into “Emergencies”. Planning on a vacation or thinking of buying that huge new flat screen? Put a little more in the “Fun” envelope every month. Don’t put it all in there, just a little extra. Easy, isn't it? Again this is my suggestion but do what works for you. You can also put this “RESOURCES” money toward starting a business or making an investment. But I highly recommend setting some of this money aside for emergencies. Cars break down; things around the house suddenly stop working, children get sick, the family dog chews up 5 pairs of your favorite shoes – you get the idea. Knowing where your money is going, and knowing you have some money set aside for savings and emergencies is very empowering. This can relieve some unnecessary stress in your life – trust me. Have any tips or tricks to help others? Please share by leaving a comment. Until next time. Want more? Subscribe to the Uncommon Sense Adviser – Free news, early access to future books, discounts and answers to questions too controversial for the blog. Join now by clicking [HERE]
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Hustlers are known to have a unique perspective on life. If you have a burning question about business, the Game, or life in general email me at [email protected] and ask a Hustler, I’ll be glad to deliver.
As some of you are well aware, I’m trying to reach people that are seeking this knowledge. I was fortunate to obtain a lot of this information years ago when I stepped foot into the Game. Now it’s time to pass it along to those that need it. For those of you that have been following me over the years you know I always say, “Hustling has to be in you.” This doesn't necessarily mean you’re “born” a Hustler, but there are certain traits that all aspiring entrepreneurs have. Whether they were learnt over the years – they had some strong examples in front of them – or they have just begun to think a certain way. Hustling is a lifestyle; it’s a way of looking at the world and the situations we face. It’s much more than just a clever title. These are 7 very noticeable traits that if you have them, then guess what? You’re different! You may have Hustling in you and not even know it. It’s like a small fire that quietly burns inside of you, and the information that I have for you will pour some gasoline on it. Prepare for the blaze. Let’s look at these 7 traits one-by-one. You may not have ALL of them, but if you have 4 or more, then welcome to the club! And if you don’t have any of these traits or only a couple – keep rolling with me, you may begin to think with Uncommon Sense too. (1) No matter what job you have or what position you hold, no matter how much or how little responsibility you have on your job – You hate it! BUT you’re one of the best employees there. Hustler’s make the best employees. We also hate working for other people. How does that work? Because Hustlers have an inherent understanding of focus, hard work and taking pride in what they do. We want our work to reflect us – even if it doesn't mean anything to anyone else. And here is where the problem comes in. When you work for someone else, this effort is seldom appreciated. Plus, we would rather spend our time doing things that make us wealthy, not someone else. (2) You naturally, without thinking about it, avoid drama whether in your personal or work life. It doesn't really interest you. Hustlers are very “neutral”. We look at the big picture of things. We can see both sides of the coin and agree and disagree with them both. This is a natural use of perspective – something we just “have”. We avoid drama because it’s a waste of our time and energy. (3) You HATE "unqualified" authority, but you respect it. You understand your position in the grand scheme of things. Hustlers really, really, really don’t like being told what to do – by anyone who they feel isn't "qualified". Yes, this includes parents and even wives or husbands. Hustlers are free-thinkers and we like to move to the beat of our own drum, even if that beat is off rhythm. We’ll get it right sooner or later. (4) You can’t stand for your fingernails to be dirty. You may be laughing at this one. I don’t know what it is, but most Hustlers like their fingernails clean. Even if they work a lot with their hands, they will clean their nails thoroughly as soon as they can. I can count the number of Hustlers I've met on one hand who didn't care about their fingernails. Odd, isn't it? (5) Anything about making more money or creating a better life attracts you. It’s like a moth to a flame; you can’t resist. This is self-explanatory. It’s not that Hustlers are all about the money, it’s just that we have a drive to be able to sustain ourselves. Forget asking them for favors, jobs, promotions, vacation days – again we want to move by the beat of our own drum. Hustling is about more than just wealth building – to us, it’s about freedom in all aspects of our life. Money helps with that. (6) People come to you with their problems and situations – even if you've just met them! This is part of the Hustler’s or Player’s “aura”. It’s an energy we give off that other people can sense and "pick-up". People relax around Hustlers and other people that seem to be steering their own ship in life. Hustlers, although not always the best problem solvers, we are damn good listeners. In fact, many of us build our businesses off of carefully listening to people. (7) While people are caught up in having the latest and greatest so they can “look good” – you would rather look “good enough” and spend your money more practically. Most Hustlers are very aware spenders. They are more focused on real advancement in life than just looking like they have advanced in life. Yes Hustlers like nice things. Yes, we can spend extravagantly here and there but we would rather “grow” money first, than “show” money first. Do you follow what I’m saying? As always, keep it moving. Want more? Subscribe to the Uncommon Sense Adviser – Free news, early access to future books, discounts and answers to questions too controversial for the blog. Join now by clicking [HERE].
Hustlers are known to have a unique perspective on life. If you have a burning question about business, the Game, or life in general email me at [email protected] and ask a Hustler, I’ll be glad to deliver.