Hustlers are known to have a unique perspective on life. If you have a burning question about business, the Game, or life in general email me at [email protected] and ask a Hustler, I’ll be glad to deliver.
![]() We’re going to Game School in this post so get ready, we're about to get a little deep! The Law of 5 is what we call “Inner Game”. It's an extremely simple method you can use to: (1) Evaluate current situations (2) Calculate future situations This Law can be applied to business, economics and everyday life. In this post we’ll just be dealing with the ‘return on investment’ aspect. The Law of 5 is very similar to The Pareto principle. Ok, who is Pareto? Vilfredo Pareto was an Italian economist. His philosophy was called, The Law of the Vital Few. He observed that 80% of the EFFECTS come from 20% of the CAUSES. This concept is also called the 80/20 rule. This Law is also part of the Discordia "religious philosophy" although their interpretation is different. It never ceases to amaze me how old the Game really is and how its principles have been used worldwide throughout history. Enough of the history lesson, back to the point… ![]() I learned this Law while I was Hustling. In the Game we call it the Law of 5 or the “Glove Law”. A glove goes over the hand and of course has room for 5 fingers. Each finger represents 20%: 5 fingers multiplied by 20% equals 100%. The 80/20 rule (The Pareto Principle) also equals 100%: 80% + 20% equals 100%. The thumb isn't the strongest part of the hand, but it serves many necessary functions. Obviously the thumb is 1/5th, or 20% out of 100%. We count things in groups of odd numbers – 1s, 3s, 5s, 7s and 9s. The number 9 of course is the highest single digit number. We calculate odd numbers to round us off to even numbers. Let’s a little closer at the Law of 5, also known as The Pareto Principle. Here’s how it applies to money and business to help clarify the concept in your mind:
Got it? Great! So now let’s apply this to everyday life.
![]() Still with me? Now here’s the important part of the message I want to get across. If you really understand this, it can change your life, just like it did mine. Ready? Let’s get it! 20% of your waking hours should be spent on working toward your goals. There are 24 hours in a day, if you slept 8 hours that leaves you with 16 hours you are awake. Using our “thumb” (20%) --- 20% of 16 hours is approximately 3 hours. If you spent 3 hours a day working on your goals instead of watching TV, messing around online or giving into other distractions, you would have 15 hours dedicated to making your dreams a reality. That’s 3 hours a day, 5 days a week (3 X 5 = 15). 15 hours a week is equal to 60 hours a month. 60 hours a month equals 720 hours a year. And just those 3 measly hours (20% of your day) will return to you, four times over (80%)! Even just half of that can be effective (1 hour and 30 minutes a day = 360 hours a year). This is the Glove Law in action. When you ball your thumb (20% of time) around your fingers (80% of results), you make a fist. This “fist” will let you “knock out” goals one-by-one from now throughout the rest of your life. Wasted time is the second biggest killer of goals, ambitions, aspirations and dreams. Take control of it RIGHT NOW! Get your Game Straight and stay Game Tight! Keep it simple, always. Want more? Subscribe to the Uncommon Sense Adviser – Free news, early access to future books, discounts and answers to questions too controversial for the blog. Join now by clicking [HERE]. I have to say, sometimes remaining focused isn’t easy. It’s necessary with EVERYTHING in life because without focus (and knowing where you’re going) nothing gets accomplished. I was involved in martial arts when I was much younger. Between that and the Game there’s one thing I learned. Discipline gets things done! Things are moving along around here. I have a book signing coming up. The date hasn't yet been finalized but when it is, I’ll make the announcement. Also later this year I have a couple Lectures and a Speaking Engagement coming up so if you’re in the Atlanta area come out and chop it up with a Player. I’ll make those announcements as well when those dates are sorted out. The next big thing I’m working on though is a solo project. More Game coming at you. I thought you knew! The project I’m currently working on here at “The Lab” is a video course. ![]() The course covers the important principle of ‘value’ and how the entire Game spins around it. For a lot of my Players and Hustlers out there, this is the missing key that will take your Game to the next level. And for the average everyday person, it will change the way you look at yourself and how you fit in with the world around you. Anyway… back to the point. So I started, like I always start, with just an idea or a concept. I mentally play around with that idea and look at it from a few different angles to see if it’s worth my investment of time. You creative people out there understand where I’m coming from. If those first ideas or concepts don’t move (motivate) you, the projects will either never see the light of day OR, when they get done, you’re not satisfied with them. Am I right? I've started-up and dropped so many projects over the last 15 years of my life to know this... if it doesn't still move me a week or 2 after the first idea, then I'm better off not starting the project. That’s one beautiful advantage about being a Hustler (solo-preneur), you can move on your own schedule (most of the time). And the creative process is not always the best process to rush. Once an idea grows and ‘moves’ me, I hit the research phase. This process is both for the business side and the creative side. The end product must be worth something – it has to not only LOOK good but actually BE good. Over the past 3 months I've been methodically putting this entire course together piece-by-piece. From concept, to design, creating graphical pieces, color choices, acquiring the necessary software, making sure the information flows in an easy to follow manner and I could go on and on. ![]() The entire process is like taking a rough diamond and cutting it little by little until you can achieve the beauty and clarity of the gem. During these times of creating, I usually lay off of social media (I missed a few Birthday shot-outs – I know, my bad!), watching television (which I really don’t watch anyway), listening to the radio and reading foolishness on the internet all because I know ME. When I’m creating, I don’t like any outside influences creeping in. And also, things that affect my mood, affect my creativity. It’s frustrating trying to create when you’re frustrated or agitated. Does that make sense? When you’re designing something that is coming from within you, it’s important to me that a person can “feel” you in the finished product. Your "mark" has to be all over it. They should be able to say, “No one could have done it that way BUT him.” Every detail is important. This post was just a heads up of what’s going on with me and what you can expect in the near future. Until the next time I hope you all are out there working on your goals, remaining focused and living your life with purpose. More Game coming at you next week so stay tuned. Discipline gets things done people! Keep that in mind. Stay on your grind. Want more? Subscribe to the Uncommon Sense Adviser – Free news, early access to future books, discounts and answers to questions too controversial for the blog. Join now by clicking [HERE].
Hustlers are known to have a unique perspective on life. If you have a burning question about business, the Game, or life in general email me at [email protected] and ask a Hustler, I’ll be glad to deliver.
![]() There is one thing I learned in the Game a long time ago: “Everybody wants to be heard.” This happens to us the moment we learn to talk and articulate our ideas, wants and desires to our parents. This is how Hustlers work in the realm of business. We work through people. They call it Networking and this leads to word-of-mouth advertising. This is how we grow our businesses. We understand that human beings have a fundamental desire, which if triggered the right way, can be to our advantage. It can also work against us so we have to think a few moves ahead and consider the possible outcomes. And herein lies the power of Social Media. It allows us to fulfill one of our most basic desires as human beings: To be expressing ourselves and our ideals. Everyone wants to be heard because we all desire self-expression. And what better way is there to be heard than to have your own personal stage? And isn't that what each of these Social Media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc.) give you – your own personal stage? On your stage you can vent your anger and frustrations, laugh, cry, seek sympathy and let others into your life story. With the spotlight shining, you can be shy, sexy, mature, immature be the positive voice and point out what you feel is ignorance. And all of this can be done in the same day according to the demands of your mood. ![]() The opportunity to have your own stage is a beautiful thing but there is a Rule in the Game and it goes like this: “Always look at both sides of the coin.” What this means is, there is always two sides to everything. There’s a “good side” and a “bad side”. One side can’t exist without the other. If you give all your attention to one side, you’ll get hit from behind by the other side. You can’t ignore one; you have to accept them both. Some people call this, “Seeing the big picture.” So where am I going with this, you ask? Simple. Social Media is a beautiful thing, never before in the history of humankind were we able to share our thoughts, feelings and ideas with one another in just seconds. But that is also what makes it ugly – the fact that we can share ANYTHING in just seconds. And let's keep it real, most of Social Media is filled with drama and ratchedness. Human beings buy into drama because it's entertaining... at least on the outside. Without getting deep into the Game, I have to pass on some food for thought. Grab a plate. “Wherever your attention goes, that thing grows.” It’s simply a matter of the mind. This is how it works. Your mind associates things together. Just like you can smell a perfume or cologne that reminds you of an old love. Next thing you know, you’re strolling down memory lane. You find yourself thinking about the good times and the bad. Feelings then surface and those feelings bring up other thoughts and other feelings. These other thoughts and feelings bring up even more thoughts and more feelings. And this can go on and on because that’s the way the mind is designed. All of this generated from a single smell which sparked a single thought. So, where is your attention? As you spend hours reading your Social Media feeds are you more involved with other people's drama and ratchedness than your own life? Are you more caught up in the news and tragedies of the world, or are you caught up with bettering your life? There is nothing wrong with being aware of what’s going on around you. But buying into drama, false dreams and ratchedness can be a huge distraction. What you feed your mind, is what it gives you back. Garbage in, garbage out. When you are too busy listening to everyone else, you can forget to listen to yourself. Sometimes it’s best to shut out the noise around you and focus on your own personal advancement. It’s great to check out the circus show, but eventually you need to leave and go home. The moral of the story? Watch where you put the majority of your focus because it’s easy to get side-tracked from your goals. Time is a resource you never get back, use it wisely. Peep Game. Until next time… ![]() Want more? Subscribe to the Uncommon Sense Adviser – Free news, early access to future books, discounts and answers to questions too controversial for the blog. Join now by clicking [HERE]. |