This will be a short post. I've been working on a few other projects this week (Oh! Before I forget. Uncommon Sense Adviser Subscribers, check your emails tomorrow!) so I had to pull back on this week’s blog. But I did want to share some positive thoughts with you. So I was sitting in the thick of Atlanta traffic. I usually don’t ride with any music on. It’s quiet and it gives me an opportunity to think. So that’s what I was doing; just thinking. I began reminiscing about the places I've been, many of the experiences I've had and the real people in my small circle that I can, without a doubt, call my friends.
I contemplated on what my life would have been like if I made different choices, chose a different path and did what I was told I was “supposed” to be doing (according to “them”). Anyone who is well versed in The Game will tell you not to have any regrets. Holding onto regrets is very dis-empowering (The Game was designed to be empowering). Regrets make you focus on the past instead of planning for the future and exercising your full power in the present moment. As long as you feel you’re making the best decisions (and I do mean best – no half-ass decision making) for yourself at every moment, what’s there to regret? You've made decisions using the Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding you had up to that point. You can’t grow unless you’re willing to fail and mess-up a few times. You have to bump your head, scrape your knees, fall down and maybe end up with a few bruises… you get the point I’m making, right? If you asked me a few years ago, “Would I change anything about my life?” I honestly would have come up with 3 major things – 1 of which resulted in jail time. And the cause of all these situations were the results of poor decision making on my part – no one to blame but me. These bad decisions were the results of my impatience and stubbornness. I paid the price for the decisions I made. And that’s it, it’s over and done. It’s like that old saying, “Steel sharpens steel,” What I've gone through has made me the person I am today. And I love the person I am today. So, why regret anything? The point of this post? Stop dwelling on regrets! Don't constantly think that you should have done this, or you could have said that. Examine your mistakes, learn from them and find ways to sharpen your over-all decision making. The Blog will return in full force next Wednesday. We’ll examine why some of the best paid people in the World make millions by NOT telling the truth. I’m talking about rappers and other music artists, movie producers, politicians, lawyers, CEOs of corporations, shady religious leaders, etc... It'll be fun, trust me! More game headed your way… Until then keep it moving!
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