The Game is deep. I’m going to introduce you to a concept that’s very simple in theory but contains subtle layers of complexity. One of the first things I was taught when I came across the Game was this saying: “Life is a series of problems that must be solved.” Some people don’t like to use the word “problem” and prefer to replace it with less-threatening terms like, “challenge” or “obstacle”. But changing the name of something doesn’t change what that something is at its core. In science there is something called, "Chaos Theory". Chaos theory is roughly defined as: “When the present determines the future, but the approximate present does not approximately determine the future.” In other words, if present events are unpredictable then future events become unpredictable. Think of it like this: Let’s say you go to a job interview. There’s only so much preparation you can do, but as soon as you walk through that door, shake the interviewers hand and sit down, you’re placing yourself into the unknown. By nature, this situation is chaotic – the future is largely unpredictable. There are hundreds of possible outcomes and you can’t prepare for them all. You could have great rapport with the interviewer and make a great impression. Or maybe, the interviewer could be having a bad day and nothing you say seems to make any difference. Perhaps the interview starts out great and then you say 1 wrong thing and destroy any chances of getting the job, etc., etc. You can only guess at the present event and because of that, you really don’t know what can happen. This goes back to cause and effect – you can’t logically foresee all the causes so you can’t predict all the effects. Squares (people without Game) fear chaos - they fear the unknown. A Player however recognizes chaos for what it really is. Chaos is potential energy. And potential energy can be used to your advantage. There is a ton of potential in chaos; the unknown. Chaos must be brought into order. So in the Game we say, “Life is a series of problems that must be solved,” and why do we say that? Because we recognize the potential energy held within events and we accept them. Problems are areas of chaos (unpredictability) that should be brought into as much order (predictability) as possible. For example: If you never cooked a meal before and decided to do it one day, what could possibly happen? With no knowledge of cooking there are hundreds of possible outcomes that cannot be predicted – anything from burning a pot of water to burning down the house. But if you were a chef, you understand what to do and how to do it to get the results you want. Having knowledge, wisdom and understanding of something helps bring order to chaos. Meaning, the potential energy is channeled and used to one’s benefit. For my Hustlers (entrepreneurs) reading this, your day-to-day life is chaotic. There are hundreds of situations that you have to deal with. And most of the events that come your way are unpredictable. But the more knowledge, wisdom and understanding you gain through experience, you can begin to predict certain outcomes. When you recognize the causes, you can begin to predict the effects. You’re taking the potential energy of chaos and bringing order to it; turning it into something that you can work with. Fear is a natural human response to the unknown but we deal with many unpredictable factors everyday. Certain situations you’ve become comfortable with because you have plenty of experience in dealing with them. Driving on the highway is chaotic for example. You know where you want to go but there are hundreds of possible events that can take place on the way there. Conversations with strangers are chaotic. You don’t know how a person will react to what you say and you can’t predict what the person will say to you. Although with Game, you can learn to say certain things to produce certain predictable responses in people. These “regular” everyday occurrences don’t seem chaotic because you’ve gone through them many times before. But think back for a moment. Do you remember when you were first learning to drive? It was new, different and you placed yourself into something completely unfamiliar. You gained knowledge about what you need to do and why you need to do it. You then practiced until you became better and now driving doesn’t take much conscious effort. Every time you get behind-the-wheel, you place yourself into the unpredictable realm of chaos, but because of your past experiences, you can bring a certain amount of order to it. In other words, you use the potential energy to your advantage (if only other drivers were as good as you, right?). When you find yourself feeling fear or hesitation about doing something new, 9 times out of 10, you’re facing chaos. You’re unsure about the unknown. Until you gain the necessary knowledge, wisdom and understanding of something, you’ll be constantly putting yourself in the realm of unpredictability. As a Player you have to accept this and move forward anyway. You want these experiences, positive or negative, so you can learn how to use the potential energy of situations and events to your advantage in the future. Every unknown factor is something not to be feared, but something to learn about and eventually conquer. Chaos represents potential energy and almost all energy can be changed or controlled to a certain degree. Think about it. Until next time… Curious about the Game? Subscribe to the Uncommon Sense Adviser – Higher level Game to help take YOUR Game to the next level. Also receive news, discounts on future books and products along with early access. 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