![]() This is a fantastic question and one which I can only answer with, “Yes and no.” First let me apologize to my readers, because to answer this question I have to answer it with Game; so we're going to get a little deep. The Game is knowledge, and that knowledge forms a system and like any system it can change depending on who uses it. Some people use it for “good” and others use it for “bad”. It’s like fire. You can use fire to cook food or warm your home but you can also use it to destroy and kill. The original design of the Game was not manipulation, trickery or deception but it can be used that way because of the Game’s very nature. The Game is part psychology, part sociology but yet something more. The Game itself is hundreds of years old, of course it wasn’t called the Game back then, but it was designed to allow the common person (peasant, commoner) to operate like their rulers. To empower themselves so they could “rule” over themselves. In the past, rulers knew that to control a large group of people you needed to know many things the average person didn’t. It goes against human nature to submit to someone who you "think" you are smarter or more qualified than. You may stay submissive out of fear, but in your heart you will despise that person. When someone knows something you don’t, you become dependent on them to a certain degree. This dependency equals power for the person holding the knowledge (or resources). Only people with high standards, integrity and principles will choose not to abuse power. Unfortunately most people don’t posses these qualities. Ever had someone on your job get promoted into a management position and they suddenly become an asshole? This same person who used to talk major trash about the management now has their back 100%. To put the icing on the cake, he or she turns around and treats you like the management treated them at one time. This is one of the many flaws of human nature. When we feel that we have authority we tend to think we are better or more valuable than others. This is a terrible display of character. It is this side of human nature that makes people use the Game to manipulate others. If you don’t know better than you can't be expected to do much better, now can you? So back to your original question, “Is the Game manipulation?” The answer once again is, “Yes and no.” The Game is the ultimate mirror, it can reflect the best or the worst in a person. Why? Because knowledge is truly power. I remember when I started learning the principles of the Game and a question was put to me by one of my Hustler mentors (if there is such a thing). I don’t remember the exact wording but basically it went like this, “If you had a chance to sit at a table with the devil, what would you ask him?” I thought about it for a minute and replied, “I guess I would ask him why he chose to disobey the Heavenly Father in heaven? What about you, what would you ask him?” I said. My mentor replied, “I wouldn’t sit at the table with that mother f@#$er, I already know what he’s about. What’s the point of asking a question to someone who's a liar and deceiver?” Peep Game. The point of my “mentor’s” statement was this – Game recognize Game. When you have Game you make it a point to do your best to never put yourself in situations that pull you away from your principles, integrity and standards. When you have Game you can see your true reflection. And if you're very observant, you can also see other people's reflections. You can “move and shake” through life, securing the positive and avoiding the negative because you “see” things coming. You can’t manipulate someone who already knows you are trying to manipulate them because they understand how manipulation works. I know that’s a little cryptic, but a real Player can break what I just said apart. Hope this answered your question. Until next time. Keep it moving and keep it simple, in that order. Hustlers are known to have a unique perspective on life. If you have a burning question about business, the Game, or life in general email me at [email protected] and ask a Hustler, I’ll be glad to deliver. Want more? Subscribe to the Uncommon Sense Adviser – Free news, early access to future books, discounts and answers to questions too controversial for the blog. Join now by clicking [HERE].
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