It’s been a great year for! Over the past year this site has gathered nearly 43,000 page views and over 11,700 unique visitors from around the Globe. That’s an average of over 3,580 page views with around 975 unique visitors to the website per month. For those not familiar with the terminology, a page view is a visit to any page on a website; and a unique visitor is counted as a distinct individual who requests a page from a website during a given period. Now in the internet world are these stellar numbers? Not actually, but they’re nothing to turn your nose up at either. This website is not even officially 2 years old and I have to say it’s performing better than I thought, especially since I barely advertise for this site! Yes, there is a reason for that – I’m running a little experiment (you have to be a like a scientist, remember?) which I’ll tell you all about next year. However, what this does mean is that this site has largely grown mainly by word-of-mouth. Or rather through Social Media shares and people who have found my work through Amazon and Medu Bookstore. I don’t throw all these numbers up to boast – that’s not my style. The reason I’m telling you about this is because this website is becoming very successful because of YOU. Yeah, yeah people say that all the time, but it’s the truth and I can prove it. Like I said, I barely advertise this site so how else can it grow? So I want to personally thank each and every one of you! I want to thank the readers and supporters of my books and my blog. I’ve sold books around the World, even all the way in Australia, Italy and China – imagine that! A big shout-out goes to all the subscribers to The UncommonSense Adviser. I have some things coming especially for you next year. I also want to thank everyone who listens to my podcasts. I want to give a huge thanks to Medu Bookstore here in Atlanta and to the Ladies of L.E.A.D. (I look forward to lecturing with you Ladies early next year). I also want to thank every single person who has emailed my with their questions and every person who saw enough Value in me to request a consultation. Every one of you helps keep me inspired and motivated. To each and every one of you who presses those like and share buttons, that little gesture means a lot. It lets me know that what I’m doing is well worth the time and effort. Also much gratitude for everyone who takes the time to leave comments on my blog posts. Oh, and also to my detractors AKA my haters. I’m not going to say thank you but I will say I’m glad you’re still talking about me. I appreciate it! My brand has taken over the 1st page of the Google search engine – I currently hold the top 3 spots on the very 1st page under my name. Not an easy task (ask any SEO expert), but all that happened because of each and every one of you out there. Again I humbly say, “Thank you!” I have to give credit where credit is due. The truth is what’s happening is nothing greater than what any one of you can do. So as this year draws to a close (went by pretty fast if you ask me) I’m in the process of getting next year going. That’s right, I’m not going anywhere anytime soon. There are a couple things coming through the pipeline so get ready! The time is quickly approaching when it will be time to turn things up a notch.
For those that celebrate, I wish you and your family a fantastic Holiday! This Hustler is taking a short break. The blog will return Wednesday, December 30th 2015 with some Game to bring in the New Year. Until next time – Keep it moving… Curious about the Game? Subscribe to the Uncommon Sense Adviser – Higher level Game to help take YOUR Game to the next level. Also receive news, discounts on future books and products along with early access. Join now by clicking [HERE].
12/9/2015 11:31:21 pm
Can you do a post on Programs? What it is & how to operate one. Using it from the perspective of a Mack or P.I.
12/10/2015 12:04:47 am
What's good Player! I got you JP. I'm going to email you something along that line. I would like your Perspective and feedback on it.
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