Some people like to talk. Others like to ask questions. One of the most interesting questions I've gotten recently is, “How do I go from where I’m at, to where I want to be?” Now this is a very broad question. I mean I can think of at least 10 different ways I can answer this question off the top of my head. But when I really thought about it, I came up with what I think is the best answer. For those of you unfamiliar with my story, I’ll give you the two short paragraph version. I started my first business when I was 17. It failed. I started another business in my early 20's. It failed. But, I never stopped. I started my businesses in the worst possible way – jumping in feet first without a net. No job, no other source of income. Just a stubborn hard-headed young man with a dream. Fortunately for me, I was single and didn't have any children; otherwise things could have turned out much worse than they actually did. As I learned the Game and learned to Hustle things became clearer. I possessed what a lot of people didn't. Whether right or wrong, fearless or foolish, I ran head first into a wall that I eventually busted through. Now, I’m not saying just get up and quit your job throwing all caution to the wind. But what I am saying is that you have to develop a critical attribute in your character. And what is that attribute? Commitment. I hear people with dreams, goal, and fantasies of all kinds. Some are rather simple and mundane, others spectacular and grand. But regardless, nothing gets done without focus and without commitment. In the Game you realize before you commit to anything, you have to take it very seriously. I mean, your word is your bond. Especially your word to yourself. When I talk about commitment, I am talking about being dedicated to something so much, that if you died trying to accomplish it, you would pass knowing your life had meaning. Commitment like that is rare these days. People make goals and break them all the time. How many New Year’s resolutions have you kept? Now I’m not perfect, I do slip from time to time but one thing I never slipped on was my commitment to my life purpose. It has not changed in over 15 years. I have clarified it and simplified it, but the foundation of it has not changed. If you ask a Hustler (whether they are legitimate or in the streets) what the Game is about, they usually say, “Money”. A Hustler that responds this way doesn't have any Game. Trust me. You can’t have Game and be short-sighted. The Game itself was designed to last until basic human nature evolves. Money is not what Hustling is all about. A Hustler truly wants one thing, above all else. And that is his or her freedom. They don’t want to answer to anyone they choose not to answer to. Money is great, but it only greases the wheels and allows you into areas you wouldn't normally have access to. When I used to hang around millionaires I found that the greatest thing that distinguished them from other people was their focus and level of commitment. What I’m about to say, some of you may doubt, but it’s the truth. I've been around street Hustlers who reached the height of their Game. I mean, these men owned their own planes. They had money. I've been around legitimate Hustlers who started out going door to door passing out flyers and drumming up business, now they live in beautiful homes with paid assistants, chefs and maids. And despite all their success, they aren't more intelligent than most of you. What they do have is an unshakable commitment to what they’re doing. They push past the doubts, worries, fears and hesitations. They press-on and learn as they go. The same way I did. Some of these people called me a, “runner”. But to me, I was just a Hustler with Game. And yes, I keep it moving! So what are you missing? What’s the one element that I personally think is the key to success in anything? Commitment. Commitment is NOT making a plan then never following through. It’s NOT trying something for a few days or months to, ‘see how it goes’. Commitment is NOT looking to other people to get their approval or praise. Commitment is NOT throwing in the towel because you don’t see the results you want WHEN you want them. With sincere commitment, there is no “Plan B” – there are just adjustments of “Plan A”. Commitment includes drive, focus and courage. It’s the concentrated Dominant Force of effort. And a wise man once said, “Effort always pays off.” Peep Game. So, now my turn with a question for you – Are you seriously 100% committed to your Hustle? Success is not a straight line from point A to point B. It’s a winding road filled with potholes, downed trees and people wanting rides going anywhere but where they are now. If you’re not committed to what you’re doing, you won’t win. Period, point blank, simple. Until next time… Curious about the Game? Subscribe to the Uncommon Sense Adviser – Free news, early access to future books, discounts and answers to questions too controversial for the blog. Join now by clicking [HERE].
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