![]() So that picture there? That’s the rough draft manuscript of my next book. It’s a long way off from completion; I’m adding 2 or 3 more chapters. The book will probably come in close to 400 pages (or more). The book deals with a controversial topic, but it’s a topic that needs to be cleared up because like other parts of the Game, there’s just too many misconceptions and weak information about it floating around. So instead of complaining, I decided to clear it up myself to the best of my ability. For anyone who has ever involved themselves in long projects, you know that this is WORK. Plain and simple. As much as I love writing, I dislike editing. It’s funny though, because although I could pay someone to edit my work, I would rather do it myself because I usually catch a better way for something to be explained or broken down. It’s a “tug-of-war” within me to produce quality, but also push-out work in the deadlines I set for myself. You would think that my uptightness about quality would keep me from finishing things, but that’s quite the contrary. Please accept it when I say, I like things off my plate! I have a close friend that, like me, is extremely entrepreneurial minded. What this means is that we have notebooks full of ideas about things we want to do – business ideas, concepts, vague ideas that could turn into solid ideas, etc. Well I guess I should say we used to have these notebooks. I got rid of a lot of my idea notebooks a couple years back. And my friend got rid of his a couple months back. Some ideas get old and are no longer valid. Others just create useless clutter. If you’re not going to do anything with them, then what are you holding onto? But the constant generation of ideas is important. When you give your mind a Dominant frame, it will work tirelessly in that area. I can’t even begin to tell you ideas that sprung up in my mind while going to sleep, waking up, driving, taking a shower and a few even while shopping at Walmart (yes, I like a good deal too). When I talk about having concentration which helps lead to a Dominant frame of mind, it’s more than about just staying focused and seeing things through. It’s also about getting your mind to work FOR you instead of AGAINST you. ![]() Consider all the nagging thoughts that we all face – all those doubts, worries and fears. I’m no different than you, I went through all those dis-empowering thoughts when I opened my first businesses; then again when I started my first blog; then again when I published my first book; then again when I published my next set of books; then again when I did my first speaking engagement; then again when I started the website and blog you’re reading now. It never really stops. The voice just turns into a whisper; then you can just ignore it. What I have learned however, is to not let any of that stop me from moving forward. That right there, along with the proper knowledge, wisdom and understanding of what you’re doing, is what separates successful people from unsuccessful people. It sounds very simple in theory but can be difficult to execute in practice. So what’s the point of this post? The point is, get on your grind and do your work! If it fails, so what? I’ve failed plenty. Every successful person in the World has failed more than they succeeded. This is a reality. But like a scientist, you have to put formulas together, execute them and examine the results. Then you make adjustments until you find what works. We don’t make Plan B’s, we just make adjustments to Plan A. Failure is a scary topic. Trust me, I find the majority of people I talk to all have this same common fear. But my question is, “What are you holding onto?” What’s so great about your life right now that you’re not at least going to try? If you have a desire to improve areas of your life, then those desires are there for a simple reason. They’re there because something in you wants more. Something in you isn’t content. You can try to push it aside, hide it or ignore it but those feelings and thoughts always come back, don’t they? Get on your grind and do your work! The truth is, even if your initial idea fails, it can lead to another idea or opportunity that will take you closer to where you’re trying to go. Think about that for a moment. Just by getting in motion, and staying in motion you may hit a few obstacles, but when you work your way around them, you can still find that light at the end of the tunnel. Many have done it before you and many will do it after you, which means that you can do it too. Keep it moving. Until next time… Curious about the Game? Subscribe to the Uncommon Sense Adviser – Higher level Game to help take YOUR Game to the next level. Also receive news, discounts on future books and products along with early access. Join now by clicking [HERE].
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