![]() Welcome back for PART 3 of our discussion on Self-Control. If you missed PART 1 you can catch it [HERE] and PART 2 is [HERE]. In PART 1 I gave you the best definition of patience I ever came across: “Patience is self-control over a long period of time.” We have defined the “self” as a part of you that exists without identifying with anything external; physical and mental – anything that you take “possession” of. This “self” needs a control because it’s powerful but only if this power is directed. And herein lies a big problem. Most people don’t direct it. They let it sit idle or use it for small jobs instead of big ones. Small jobs reap small results. Or as we say in the Game, “Giants don’t build dwarf sized houses,” or, “If you don’t have anything going, you don’t have anything coming.” ![]() So when we look back at our definition of patience, let’s look at it correctly. Patience has nothing to do with sitting idle. It has nothing to do with waiting; it has nothing to do with acting happy during a delay for gratification. It has nothing to do with waiting for things in the universe to magically line up, in fact, patience is an action word! What are we doing when we’re being patient? We’re exercising self-control. We are controlling our “self” over a long period of time. And, how are we controlling ourselves? By continually directing our willpower in the direction we choose to go. And, how long do we continually direct our willpower? Until the job is done. There is no idle waiting around if you truly understand everything we've discussed so far. When I say, “Keep it moving,” I hope this is crystal clear now. There is no stopping and waiting – we keep going. Yes, it’s true; things don’t happen when we would like them to. Or when we think they should. Yes, it’s a fact; everything in nature grows - things don’t pop into existence overnight. But none of that has anything to do with staying on course and directing your choices in a pre-determined direction until you receive what you want. This is being patient. This is the Art of Self-Control. This is part of what will make you a giant among men and women. Many people get the ball rolling and that’s it. That’s as far as they take it. They put a little in and then sit and wait for it to grow. And when the return is minimal, they’re disappointed. That’s not “self-control” that’s wishful thinking. I had 2 businesses that failed. One big cause of these failures was because I was sitting and “wishing” for things to happen. I was hoping that people would choose to spend their money with me. Honestly, I never gave them a strong reason to. I didn't present the option to them so there was no reason for them to choose. Peep Game. You want big? Do what giants do – do big things. Think bigger! Stay focused and concentrate your Dominant Force over a long period of time. Here’s something that may sound funny but roll with me for a moment. Let’s say you want a sandwich. You have options. If you choose to make this sandwich yourself you know you need to do a few things. (1) You have to go to a store (or several stores) that carries what you need. (2) You need to choose a bread, what cold cuts you want, the type of mayonnaise, mustard, lettuce, tomatoes or whatever else you want on your sandwich. (3) You have to get in line and pay with a method of payment. (4) You need to go home and put all the ingredients of your sandwich together. (5) You need to open your mouth, bite, chew and swallow. Now, how hard was that? Wasn't difficult at all, was it? You had the thought of what you wanted. You had an idea of what you needed, where to go get it and what you needed to give (payment). You then took everything and put it together in the way you chose was best for you – to suit your tastes. ![]() Now, what if I told you, whatever you want out of life uses a similar process? You just have been led to believe there’s a HUGE difference – so you think there’s a HUGE difference. The differences aren't HUGE. You may not have all the experience, knowledge and/or skills to do what you want because you've never done what you want to do before. But that doesn't change the overall process! You think there’s a bunch of differences when there’s only a few and they’re not insurmountable if you really want what you claim you want. You have an idea of what you want, you make a plan to get it and you go after it with what you have available to you NOW. And if you’re missing something along the way, find a way to get it or work around it. Just don’t stop – keep going. Stay in motion and drive that vehicle! There’s no “magic formula” that will drop miracles in your lap. But, there is a formula. The basics (which I just gave you) are so plain that people refuse to accept the simplicity of it. Even many of you reading this right now are thinking to yourself, “There’s got to be more to it!” My question to you is – what are you looking for exactly? Why does something have to be complex to be effective? Most of the power you’re looking for is already inside of you. And part of that power (not all), is the ability to choose and to maintain your choice over a long period of time (patience and self-control). This is Real Game and what I call Uncommon Sense. It can be applied to literally ANYTHING you want to undertake in life. The limitations are only the limitations you choose to set. Until next time... Curious about the Game? Subscribe to the Uncommon Sense Adviser – Free news, early access to future books, discounts and answers to questions too controversial for the blog. Join now by clicking [HERE].
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