![]() Let’s talk about establishing a designed Rhythm for your life. This is an extremely deep subject because it represents very high next-level Game. Please take your time with this post. It’s not lengthy but there is power beneath the surface if you understand what I mean… This post is just a sliver of 1 of the MANY ways to perceive the principle of Rhythm. I have to be Responsible with teaching Rhythm because if given to people who have “bad” intentions, it can lead to the manipulation of others. That’ll make more sense by the end of this post. First question you’re probably asking yourself is, “What is Rhythm?” So let me define it. When we look at how we count time, we count time in “beats” and “rests”. Meaning, if you looked at an old analog clock, the second hand would tick every second. That tick is a “beat”. Between ticks (beats) there is a rest. A rest is where the clock’s second hand does not move. And when the clock’s second hand does move again (ticks), that’s considered another “beat”. So you have a beat and a rest and a beat and a rest and so on. If you’re a lover of music this should make immediate sense to you. This continuous beat and rest is a rhythm. It’s a cycle and our lives also function on cycles and there are many. The most basic is your natural Rhythm life cycle. Your Rhythm life cycle starts before your conception inside the womb until your birth. According to some schools of thought you are actually 1 year old when you leave the womb. Your birth was “destined” 3 months before the impregnation of your mother. So 3 months “preparing” and 9 months growing in the womb equals 12 months or 1 year. You enter the physical world and your “spiritual” self takes hold of your “physical” self. ![]() Whether you agree or disagree with that school of thought is irrelevant for this discussion. What’s important to know is that you have a natural Rhythm life cycle. So from birthday-to-birthday (1 year) is your own natural Rhythm life cycle. Another natural Rhythm cycle are the 4 seasons in nature – winter, spring, summer and fall. Depending on where you live, you may not experience all 4 seasons, but you’re aware they do exist. You cannot directly control natural Rhythm cycles like I described above. You can however design and start (and stop and even alter) any Rhythm cycle YOU create. For you students of metaphysics, the following analogy will be nothing new to you. But I need to cover this because I think every student of the Game needs to understand these basics about designing and starting their own Rhythm cycles [from this point on we’ll just refer to them as Rhythms]. Moving on… So when designing your Rhythms, it’s easiest to look at them as the 4 seasons in nature. This is not to be taken verbatim; this is just an analogy to help visualize how the Rhythmic cycles you start move and take on a life of their own.
Pretty straight-forward and simple, don’t you think? You keep putting mental, emotional and physical energy into something and this starts a cycle. And that cycle returns to its origin after it has done its job. Think of it like the rise and fall of an ocean wave – the momentum will carry it if the initial force (push) is strong enough. Now let’s bring this up a level because there is something you must know about Rhythm. At a certain level, Rhythm is about energy. You can actually cancel-out (neutralize) your own cycles. Meaning, you can be working towards something and stomp-out your own efforts. That’s not what we want! Peep the game in that. SIDE NOTE: Truthfully, that’s not what we want when we’re trying to accomplish something meaningful, like a goal. But, if you really know what you’re doing, purposely neutralizing a Rhythm can actually benefit you. You can “quiet” a Rhythm to alter the speed of the “beats” and “rests”. Or you can use it to quickly “slow-down” a cycle before it gains momentum. This helps so you don’t lose a lot of time, energy and/or resources. Anyway, back on topic… So how does this “neutralization” happen and how do we prevent it? As a simple example, let’s say you’re working on becoming a better husband or wife to your mate. So you make some decisions about things you would like to work on concerning your behavior. Things like being more attentive, showing more affection, listening more and generally being more willing to make reasonable compromises. That’s the idea, that’s your plan. And when that’s what you decide with no reservations or doubts, that means you have clear intentions. Clear intentions are one of the most powerful ways to start the momentum of Rhythm – the cycle of energy in motion – the winter transitioning into spring. So you’re going along fine for a week, maybe 2, maybe even 4 or 5 and then your mate does something that just flat-out enrages you. You get upset and emotional. You begin telling yourself that maybe, just maybe; they don’t deserve how well you've been treating them. You might justify to yourself that they don’t seem to respect the efforts you’re making. You may even tell yourself that it doesn't matter what you say or do, the relationship isn't going to change. You’re all worked-up and you unconsciously or sub-consciously (depending on your school of thought) begin a new cycle of energy in motion. You are mentally and emotionally moving yourself to a different Rhythm. STOP! What just happened? ![]() If you decide to listen to these new thoughts, you’re making another decision and you’re making a “plan” (going back to you old behavior). This “plan” is in direct opposition to what you've already been moving toward. You now have 2 opposing cycles revolving around 1 single idea – the idea of how you would like to be a better husband or wife. You allowed external circumstances to affect your internal Rhythms. And what happens now? These opposing forces cancel each other out. There are more factors in play but for the sake of this post I’ll keep it simple. So why do they cancel each other out? Because they’re 2 opposing ideas about 1 thing. You’re planting 2 gardens with 2 different crops in the same patch of soil. You will most likely not take care of (protect) either one. Even if you did, the growth of both crops would interfere with one another. Neither crop would grow full and healthy. You would have a little of this and a little of that.. or end up with nothing at all. I hope that makes sense. You can see this phenomenon occur in nature with sound waves – it’s called destructive interference. This is similar to what I’m referring to with Rhythms. Your Game is based on your Perspectives and decisions. These decisions work on Rhythms. If you disrupt Rhythms, your chance of failing greatly increases. If you allow someone else to disrupt your Rhythms, your chance of failing also greatly increases. When you set out to move right and then change your mind and go left, you stomp-out your own efforts and reap the rewards of a confused mind. And that reward is the great gift of… little or nothing! On a much higher level of Game, it’s possible to “disrupt” and “insert” your Rhythms into other people’s lives. They will move on your “beats” and “rests” – so to speak. In fact, people are doing this to YOU on a daily basis and some of you are completely oblivious to it. But I’m not going there in this post. “What you don’t know, CAN hurt you!” Peep Game and consider yourself laced. Until next time… Curious about the Game? Subscribe to the Uncommon Sense Adviser – Higher level Game to help take YOUR Game to the next level. Also receive news, discounts on future books and products along with early access. Join now by clicking [HERE].
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