I’m going to introduce you to some Advanced Game in this post. This concept comes from a very old school of thought. And since the Game itself is older than people give it credit for, I figured it was my job to introduce this to my readers. Some of you will already be familiar with this general idea. But this is the Game’s Perspective so stick with me. This is post is a little longer than usual, so settle in. You’re going to learn something – trust me. Before we get started, just a reminder, it’s on again tomorrow! If you’re in the Atlanta area, come out to a FREE live lecture by yours truly. The details are in the graphic below. I’m going to be covering some Advanced Game during this lecture and delve deep into the Principle of Rhythm for the first time to the general public. You can read the introduction I posted about it [HERE]. I’ll be passing this information on to the subscribers of the Uncommon Sense Adviser (my newsletter) soon. So if you can’t attend I recommend signing up because when you truly understand what Rhythm is, how it works and what it’s capable of… let’s just say it will literally change the way you look at every single part of your life! Back on point… In the movie, The Matrix, Morpheus gave Neo a choice. Red pill or blue pill. The red pill was in Morpheus’ right hand and the blue pill in his left. Red is symbolic of fire, while blue is symbolic of water. From my research, this symbolism traces itself back to Ancient Egypt. Fire and water are 2 opposing elements because if you have enough fire, you can transform water (making steam). On the opposite side of the coin, if you have enough water, you can put out a fire (making smoke). Steam and smoke are symbolic of ethereal forms; or, that which can be seen by the eyes but not held by the physical hands. Like a dream or a fantasy - seen in the mind's eye but unable to be touched in physical reality. Why was the red pill in Morpheus’ right hand? Because the right-hand is a “path” through life. Imagine a long road. So long that you can’t see the end of it; it stretches on for countless miles. Fire in itself can be both beneficial and destructive. Such as cooking food or burning down a home for example. The blue pill was in Morpheus’ left hand. The left-hand is also a “path”. Water is soothing, cooling and nurturing. It can also be both beneficial and destructive. Water, in any of its 3 main forms – liquid, solid (ice) and gas (steam), can help maintain the physical body but it can also burn or freeze the body to death, for example. The right-hand path represents a person’s journey toward reality. This is a difficult journey because you will be tried and tested by your life experiences. And these experiences are literally like going through a blazing fire. They purge you of weaknesses until you reach a more refined state. Just like fire can purify base metals. It’s a painful path because of the harshness reality can bring. And the further you go down this path, the more you let go of illusions because they’re no longer of any benefit to you. The left-hand path represents a person’s journey of remaining in illusion. This is also a difficult journey because you give up discovering “yourself” in attempts to “serve” others. The experiences from this path are not as harsh but it can be argued that staying in a state of blissful ignorance is limiting and to a certain extent, self-destructive. The Game itself is a choice of going down the right-hand path. It’s rough, thankless and can be lonely. Very few people will understand you because they live in opposition to you. You’re seeking reality and they accept the illusions they’ve been fed all their life. Not to confuse you, but both the right-hand and left-hand paths have more paths within them. Not everyone on your “path” is moving exactly like you. 2 people can both be on the right-hand path but be on different “sub-paths”. Hope that makes sense. Let’s look briefly at the composition of the human body. What side of the body does the heart reside on? The left side, correct? Get it? Left side of the body, left-hand path? The heart is symbolic of a person’s emotional center. The right-hand path is a path of emotional control while the left-hand path relishes in emotional experiences. In some schools of psychology this is referred to as being, “in your adult” – having emotional control. Or being, “in your child” – having a lack of emotional control. In the Game you want to be mentally strong enough so that no-one can emotionally “move” you. Meaning, you always operate, “in your adult” and never, “in your child”. As I’ve said before, at the highest levels of the Game, it’s all about being a Gentleman or a Lady. Or coming from the religious school of thought, a quote from the Holy Bible – 1 Corinthians 13:11, “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” (King James Version) The human brain operates is 2 hemispheres. The left and the right. The left hemisphere of the brain controls the right side of the body. While the right hemisphere of the brain controls the left side of the body. Each hemisphere of the brain is also responsible for different forms of expression. The left hemisphere is more creative (emotional), while the right is more deductive (logical). Again, the heart resides more on the left side of the body under the left hemisphere of the brain which is responsible for our more creative and emotional forms of expression. All forms of expression are important. One is no better than the others. But being over emotional “short-circuits” logic and reasoning and can lead to irrational and sometime destructive decisions. When the right hemisphere is continually over-ridden by emotions (the left hemisphere), this puts strain on the heart itself which is maintained by the right hemisphere of the brain. When this happens, the right hemisphere does not function to its fullest capacity and therefore affects the blood-flow because the heart is under stress. This of course can lead to mild heart problems. I teach this as logic and reasoning (Perspective) are king; while emotion is queen. The king should always be in control. Although the queen has plenty of power, she should be in agreement with the king. If the king and queen are in opposition, the kingdom (a person’s life) is in jeopardy of falling apart. Refer to, Revealing the Secrets of the Game. To understand the right-hand path is to begin to understand what it means to be a Player. You seek reality and pull yourself away from illusions. This journey starts when you begin to have Game. And you begin to have Game when you look at causes instead of effects. The World reacts to effects. When something happens, it catches people’s attention. Ever been in traffic that was moving at a snail’s pace? As you keep riding, you pass by the scene of a car accident. And even though the accident has been cleared up, people still slow down as they pass-by. Then, as soon as you pass the scene of the accident, traffic is moving normally. Some people call this just being nosey, but it goes to show how easily the mind can be distracted and become reactive. The journey of a Player is about being pro-active and not reactive; looking beneath the surface of everything. We take nothing on face value. We seek out the cause to understand it, rather than react to the effects. Think about that for a moment. For those attending my lecture tomorrow, I’ll see you then. For everyone else, until next time… Curious about the Game? Subscribe to the Uncommon Sense Adviser – Higher level Game to help take YOUR Game to the next level. Also receive news, discounts on future books and products along with early access. Join now by clicking [HERE].
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